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Parkerford Baptist Church
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The following information is available for Parkerford Baptist Church:

We are fully committed followers of Jesus Christ who live life to its fullest each day. We live, love & laugh together as a single body.

Our church is a warm and loving church family that is orientated toward God the Father as our Lord and Savior. We would love to have you join us for any of our services or just a time of fellowship and prayer. Feel free to browse through the various areas of our website and learn more about our fellowship and journey together as we glorify God as a church body. If you are considering a new place of worship or a relocation to our area, we would love to have you be our guest. Please feel free to check the church calender for our services and weekly events.

Opening hours

Ready for a visit? Check the following opening hours for Parkerford Baptist Church:

Monday:09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Wednesday:09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Thursday:09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Friday:09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Sunday:08:00 am - 01:00 pm

Note that opening hours may vary based on (public) holidays.

Parkerford Baptist Church can be found at the following address:

92 Baptist Church Rd

Check the map to see where you can find Parkerford Baptist Church.


The following categories describe(s) Parkerford Baptist Church:

Click on the link(s) above to find similar churches in Spring City.

Use the following telephone number to get in touch with Parkerford Baptist Church:

(610) 495-7176

Check the following website for Parkerford Baptist Church:


The following parking options are available:


What has happend at Parkerford Baptist Church lately? Here you can find relevant news:


Our first AWANA Grand prix was a huge hit


Don't forget to reset your clocks


It saddens my heart to notify all of you that Amy Parsons-Moore passed into glory late Tuesday evening surrounded by her husband Joe & her children. While God has graced her with a long & fruitful life, our hearts & arms shall miss her warm embrace & the gentle kiss upon the cheek as she greeted each one of us. In her honor, we will be having a memorial service here at Parkerford Baptist Church on Monday, January 28th. A time of fellowship will begin at 9:30 am with the memorial service starting at 11:00 am. Everyone is encouraged to come share all of your favorite memories, laughter & special moments that you each have in common with our sister Amy. The graveside burial will follow the memorial service at the Parkerford Baptist cemetery. A luncheon will be held in honor of Amy & her family within the Parkerford Baptist Church fellowship hall immediately after the graveside service. While our hearts ache, we shall celebrate that our sister in Christ now lives in eternity with our Lord & Savior. Please join us for this celebration of life as we remember Amy Parsons-Moore & the love for her Lord that was her cornerstone of faith. May God bless each one of you as you continue to bless each other.


Gotta wrap up Lazarus so the AWANA kids can place him in the tomb! Thanks Bill HerbslebBill for being such a good sport.


How many times did you eat something as a kid & hate it? Then, later on in life, you find that disgusting vegetable, bean or fruit to be one of the most wonderful things you have ever enjoyed. How many times have you tried to exercise & loose weight only to quit because you didn't get the results you wanted or you set your fitness goals to high. Then, years later, almost unexpectedly, you find a wonderful diet & exercise routine and the pounds just seem to melt away with little or no effort. And you start asking yourself, "How did I ever miss out on this before?" Come join us this Sunday, October 14th at 10:45 for our morning worship hour. We will continue our series of messages entitled "next steps" & we will look at some of the spiritual disciplines that we all love to hate. We will look at a day in the life of Christ & how He encouraged us to "Just Try It".


How many times have you lost your train of thought? If your anything like the average person, you have had to stop half way down the hall just to remember what you were going into the bedroom for. Maybe you left that cup of coffee sitting on the roof of the car or forgotten to pick your kids up from soccer practice. Despite the fact that the house is stone cold silent, the distractions in your mind prevent you from enjoying that new book you really wanted to read. If this sounds anything like you, then have we got a sermon designed to get you back on the right track. Come join us this Sunday at 10:45 for our worship hour as we continue in our "Next Step" sermon series. We will look at the hard truth of spiritual disciplines and how we can set our hearts and minds to focusing on God instead of having Spiritual A.D.D.


How many times do you need to do something before you get it right? If your an average person, the answer to that question would be at least 5 times. No matter how many times we try, it takes training, failure, commitment & focused determination to eventually become the best at whatever we do. If this ideology works for every other facet in our lives, then why not our spiritual conditioning? Come join us this Sunday, September 30th, at 10:45 am for our worship hour. We will continue in our series of "Next Step" messages and discover that spiritual training is something that dates back thousands of years. We will listen to the Apostle Paul as he addresses the ancient church to describe the differences between "Trying & Training".


Have you ever had one of those days where everything just seems to go right. No matter how bad the news may be, no matter how wet or cold the weather outside, there is an overwhelming joy to your heart. The kind of euphoria that seems to brighten the darkest of attitudes. That calming peace that seems to embrace you with comfort. The entire world can be falling apart around you, but no one is going to steal your joy. Now Imagine having weeks full of that same blissful surrender. How incredibly good would it be to live a life on the edge of utopia. Come join us this Sunday, September 16th at 10:45 for our worship hour. We will conclude our series of messages entitled "Gods Song" to us. We will listen to the heart & soul of King David as he writes one of the most uplifting and joyful Psalms within Biblical text. We will dive deeply into his words and learn how to have "A Guaranteed happy Day."


Gramma once said, "Oh, theres nothing quite like the pitter patter of lil feet." The we have kids and we realize that those feet sound like a heard of elephants barreling down the staircase only to be followed by a giant crash at the end of the hall as the pictures are falling off the walls. You might laugh, but that's only because your a parent yourself and you have lived through some of those difficult moments and now find the humor amidst all of the chaos. In the middle of the Psalms we find some of the wisest words ever given to parents, grandparents or parents to be if they are going to raise children and build a home that honors God. Those words resonate across thousands of years to parents of today in hopes that we too may bring up another generation with the knowledge, fear and grace of our sovereign Lord & Savior. Come join us this Sunday, September 9th at 10:45 for our worship hour. We will continue looking at Gods Song to us as we explore some of the Psalms. We will discover that our households today are not all that different than households from long ago and that all "children are like arrows"


We all love it when someone sings birthday wishes to us We all love it when we receive a special card in the mail At Christmas its the unexpected gift Its the invitation to join the party Its the note of encouragement or the surprise of a marriage proposal We all love it when we are the center of attention and someone has thought about us enough to proclaim their devotion But what about God? What about your creator & redeemer? Come join us this Sunday, September 2nd, at 10:45 for our worship hour. We will continue our series of messages "Gods Song" as we look at the songs of king David and how he answers that question, "How Does God Want to be Worshiped?"


This Sunday, August 26th, at 10 am, we will be celebrating together for our annual Sunday in The Park service. The pavilion at Towpath Park has been reserved & you are encouraged to bring your favorite lawn chair, picnic supplies & a dish to pass for everyone to enjoy. We will hold our morning worship in the open air of Gods beautiful creation & sing his glories for all that he has done for us. Directly after the service we will transition into a time of fellowship, food & games. The deacons have provided all the meat for the meal & the helping hands committee has organized all the trimmings. Please feel free to invite your friends, your neighbors & anyone else that would like to come along for a wonderful Sunday In The Park.


Have you been blessed by God? Many of has have. In fact, not a single moment goes by that God doesn't extend some sort of spiritual blessing to us. Every breath we take, every memory that we enjoy, every second of every day is a gift from our heavenly Father who lavishes His love upon His children. It is by His good hand that everything we enjoy in life comes from His faithful provision for us. And while we relish those favors that have been bestowed upon us, we also cringe when we are asked to give back the most humble of offerings. Come join us this Sunday, August 19th, for our 10:45 worship hour. We will explore King Davids prayer and how the nation of Israel handled this modern day issue some 4000 years ago. From those ancient texts, we can learn how, and when we are to respond to God about the "Sermon on the amount".


How many times have you lost your temper because the pressure got the best of you? How many times have your emotions overruled your head and you end saying or doing something that you regret later? How many times have you felt all alone, scared, abandoned or rejected? In the middle of a tough situation, its very easy to loose your focus and throw your arms up in aggravation. But then we come right back to the same situation again and absolutely nothing has changed. There has GOT to be a better way! Come Join us this Sunday morning at 10:45 for our worship hour. We will take a look at real life situations of today & how the hero's of yesterday managed to keep the right focus.


Good Afternoon Everyone, It is bitter sweet to be writing to all of you this afternoon. While I am grateful to finally be home here in Pennsylvania, a huge part of my heart has been left in California with the loss of my mom Lynda Davalt. We will eventually lay my mom to rest at Arlington National cemetery next to my dad once all of the government paperwork has been filed and approved. And while our hearts mourn her physical absence, Dena & both know that she is in glory with my dad & brother enjoying a family reunion once again. We both look forward to the day when she will greet us once again with a warm smile & a handmade quilt to bring us comfort in heaven. I simply wanted to say thank you to all of you. You have each been a pillar of strength & prayers for Dena & I during this difficult time. The growing stack of condolence cards attests to this fact and awaits a time for her & I to sit down and open them together. While I am attempting to get caught up here at the church, please know that we love and appreciate each and every one of you for your thoughtfulness, generosity & constant love. As things return to normal (well, a new normal) we will continue to praise our Lord & look forward to the day when we will be welcomed into eternity with our loved ones that have gone on before us. May God bless each one of you as you have blessed one another.


Have you ever looked in the mirror & been unhappy with the person starring back at you? Has your self esteem been a point where you ask yourself how God can love you when you cant even love yourself? Have you ever felt like a failure & that NOTHING would ever change? That you just don't measure up even if you ARE a Christian? If you answered yes to any of these questions.....your not alone! The world constantly robs us of our self worth; our true God given purpose & design. It is a lie that pervades our society & invades our minds. But there is a cure for the darkness that attacks our dignity. Come Join us this Sunday, July 8th at 10:45 am for our worship hour. We will pour over scriptural truth to discover the essence of God & how his Characteristics really aren't as far from us as we may fear. Come join us as we understand that "God is......Powerful & Present"


What distracts you? Is it your job? Your Children? Money? War? Politics? Gossip? Loneliness? Pain? Drugs? Alcohol? Divorce? Abuse? Whats seems to distract you the most? In a world of business & strife, it seems increasingly harder to find a place of comfort; a place of peace. For all of our efforts, it is the one fleeting goal that we just cant seem to attain. we may have it for a moment, but then that moment is gone and the stress begins all over again. There's got to be a better way! Come Join us this Sunday, July 1st at 10:45 for our worship hour. We will discover through Biblical text that the answer isn't as complicated as we may think it is. We will find that the hope & peace we so desperately seek comes only from God because "God IS..... peace".


Every once in a while someone comes along that makes a huge impact upon your life. They help you to find your career, your voice and your confidence. They mold you and shape you to be the amazing creation that God fully intended for you to be. Then, as you grow and mature, you learn that they have been doing the exact same thing with hundreds, possibly even thousands, of other people. That is what pastoral ministry looks like. This Sunday, June 24th, Pastor Bob Coats will be celebrating 50 years of ministry service to our Lord & Savior. He will provide our morning message at the 10:45 worship hour. At 3:00 pm that same day, there will be a multi-church celebration that will culminate the many ministries & individuals that he has touched. There will be a time of food & fellowship following the afternoon service as we thank Pastor Bob Coats for his many years of mentoring and leadership. If you would like to join us for the afternoon service, please RSVP to the church before Friday, June 22nd at 3:00 pm. You can e-mail the church office at [email protected] or by calling the church office at 610-495-7176. We look forward to celebrating and worshiping together for this monumental milestone.


What is Holiness? While we know that it means to be set apart, to be pure in nature, in all of the world, what do we have to compare to that distinctive word to? We can try to explain it to the best of our ability. But do we, as humans, really comprehend what the true purpose & depth of that sovereign word means? At best, the use of that word is a feeble attempt to place a label on an all powerful God that is, quite honestly, far bigger than the simplistic words we attach to him. Come join us this Sunday at 10:45 for our worship hour. We will begin to unpack the deep meaning of this single word as we realize that "God is Holy!"


Here you can find pictures from Parkerford Baptist Church:


Here you can find videos from Parkerford Baptist Church:

I received this incredibly powerful video this morning. Please share and end the shame

AWANA 2017

For everyone that was not able to attend, here is our very first AWANA night activities. Enjoy.

a 1 minute sermon

A one minute in your face, put you in your place, the God of all time and space on the spot sermon for the entire human race!

Starting Sunday, April 3rd, we will begin a new study during our learning hour. "The Greatest Story Ever Told" is more than just a cliche. God has gone to great lengths to rescue lost and hurting people. That is what The Story is all about - the story of the Bible, God's great love affair with humanity. Condensed into 31 accessible chapters, The Story sweeps you into the unfolding progression of Bible characters and events from Genesis to Revelation. Using the clear, accurate, and easy-to-understand text of the NIV, it allows the stories, poems, and teachings of the Bible to read like a novel. And like any good story, The Story is filled with intrigue, drama, conflict, romance, and redemption. Come join us at 9:45 each Sunday as we learn about "The Story" of our faith.

Do you have any more information about this church?
Feel free to send us a message!

Restaurants nearby

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September Farm
5287 Horseshoe Pike, Honey Brook
Talula's Table
102 W State St, Kennett Square
Sovana Bistro
696 Unionville Rd, Kennett Square
American, European
Billy Burger and Bakery
650 Crossings Blvd, Elverson
American, Asian, Burger
Station Taproom
207 W Lancaster Ave, Downingtown
Jimmy John's Pipin' Hot Sandwiches
1507 Wilmington Pike, West Chester
Comfort Food, Fast Food, Hot Dogs
NECTAR Restaurant and Lounge
1091 Lancaster Ave, Berwyn
Asian, Asian Fusion, Sushi
Steel City Coffeehouse
203 Bridge St, Phoenixville
Seven Stars Inn
263 Hoffecker Rd, Phoenixville
American, Seafood
Taqueria Moroleon
9173 Gap Newport Pike, Avondale
The Four Dogs Tavern
1300 W Strasburg Rd, West Chester
American, Seafood
Two Stones Pub Kennett
843 E Baltimore Pike, Kennett Square
Limoncello Chester Springs
499 Uwchlan Ave, Chester Springs
European, Italian
Dilworthtown Inn
1390 Old Wilmington Pike, West Chester
Limoncello West Chester
9 N Walnut Street, West Chester
European, Italian
Harry's the Neighborhood Place
2949 E Lincoln Hwy, Sadsburyville
Corporal Dee BBQ
16 Marchwood Rd, Exton
American, Barbecue, Fast Food
Love Again Local Sandwich Shop
18 S Church St, West Chester
Vegan, Vegetarian
Chick-fil-A Ashbridge Square
845 E Lancaster Ave, Downingtown
Fast Food
Wimpy & Dee's Diner
5051 Horse Shoe Pike (Route 322), Honey Brook
American, Asian, Burger
The Greyhound Cafe
81 Lancaster Ave. @ Great Valley Center, Malvern
European, Italian, Latin American, Mexican, Vegan, Vegetarian
Great American Pub Phoenixville
148 Bridge St, Phoenixville
Hotels nearby

Also check these Hotels nearby:

Spring City Hotel
88 N Main St, Spring City
The General Warren
9 Old Lancaster Rd, Malvern
Mendenhall Inn
323 Kennett Pike, Mendenhall
Hotel Resort
The Desmond Hotel Malvern
1 Liberty Blvd, Malvern
Hilton Garden Inn Valley Forge/Oaks
500 Cresson Blvd, Phoenixville
Sheraton Great Valley Hotel
707 Lancaster Ave, Malvern
Sonesta ES Suites Malvern Valley Forge
20 Morehall Rd, Malvern
Hilton Garden Inn
815 E Baltimore Pike, Kennett Square
Hotel Resort, Inn
Hampton Inn Exton Downingtown
4 N Pottstown Pike, Exton
Courtyard by Marriott Philadelphia Coatesville/Exton
600 Manor Road, Coatesville
3512 Strasburg Road, Coatesville
Wyndham Garden Exton Valley Forge
815 N Pottstown Pike, Exton
Residence Inn by Marriott Philadelphia Valley Forge
600 W Swedesford Road, Berwyn
AVE Downingtown
1236 E Lancaster Ave, Downingtown
Hotel & Lodging
Holiday Inn Express Frazer-Malvern
1 Morehall Road, Malvern
The Camp At Old Mill
127 Brandamore Road, Brandamore
Hotel & Lodging
Hampton Inn by Hilton Great Valley
635 Lancaster Ave, Malvern
Residence Inn by Marriott Philadelphia West Chester/Exton
10 N Pottstown Pike, Exton
Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Kennett Square Brandywine Valley
719 E Baltimore Pike, Kennett Square
Fairfield Inn by Marriott Philadelphia, Great Valley/Exton
5 N Pottstown Pike, Exton
Microtel Inn and Suites, West Chester PA
500 Willowbrook Ln, West Chester
Hotel Resort, Inn
Holiday Inn Express & Suites West Chester
1310 Wilmington Pike, West Chester
Hampton Inn & Suites Valley Forge / Oaks
100 Cresson Boulevard, Phoenixville
Hotel Resort
Red Rose Inn
804 W Baltimore Pike, West Grove
Hotel Resort
4350 Horseshoe Pike, Honey Brook
Real estate agents nearby

Also check these Real estate agents nearby:

Matt Fetick Team - Keller Williams Realty
210 S Mill Rd, Suite 104, Kennett Square
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Mike Ciunci - Keller Williams Real Estate
300 Willowbrook Ln, West Chester
Real Estate Agent
The Chris LaGarde & Caleb Knecht Team Of Keller Williams Real Estate
100 Campbell Blvd, Exton
Real Estate Agent
45 North Main Street, Phoenixville
Real Estate Service
The Meghan Chorin Team
431 W Lancaster Ave, Devon
Real Estate Agent
Loughin Group
100 Campbell Blvd Suite 106, Exton
Real Estate Agent
The Kirk Simmon Team at BHHS Fox & Roach
100 Deerfield Lane, Ste 140 610.457.2300, Malvern
Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Service
Noel Bernard - Keller Williams Real Estate
100 Campbell Blvd, Exton
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McComsey Real Estate, LLC
208 E Market St, West Chester
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The Jaya Duraisamy Team
West Chester
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The McCloskey Team- Long and Foster
709 E Gay St, West Chester
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Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Fox & Roach
431 West Lancaster Ave, Devon
Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Service
Jennifer Neff at BHHS Fox & Roach Realtors
100 Deerfield Lane, Suite 140, Malvern
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The Daryl Turner Real Estate Team
100 Campbell Rd, Ste 106, Exton
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Kathleen Carney
1479 Wilmington Pike, West Chester
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The Kathy Gagnon Team - Coldwell Banker Preferred
390 Waterloo Blvd, Exton
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Keller Williams Realty Midway
200 Municipal Dr, Thorndale
Real Estate Agent
David England - Real Estate Agent - Berkshire Hathaway
431 W Lancaster Ave, Devon
Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Developer
RE/MAX Excellence, Jerry Donahue
West Grove
Real Estate Agent
Your Main Line LifeStyle
431 W Lancaster Ave, Devon
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Noah Scott - Delaware Valley Real Estate
1646 West Chester Pike #2, West Chester
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Betsy Woodrow, Real Estate Specialist
360 Waterloo Blvd, Exton
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The Hospodar Team
431 W. Lancaster Avenue, Devon
Real Estate Agent
Shawn Bronson - Keller Williams Real Estate
276 Dilworthtown Rd, Thorndale
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Rob Lawrence Real Estate
307 N Walnut St, West Chester
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Hair salons nearby

Also check these Hair salons nearby:

Cruisin' Style Barber Parlor
135 West Gay street, West Chester
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Shear Satisfaction Salon and Spa
1120 Newark Rd, Toughkenamon
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The Refinery Hair Studio
121 W Market St, West Chester
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Belle Vie Salon
137 E Lancaster Ave, Downingtown
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DeCola Salon
6 Dowlin Forge Rd., Exton
Beauty Store, Hair Salon
Texture Salon & Spa
390 Vineyard Way, Suite 401, West Grove
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Balance Hair Spa
826 N Pottstown Pike, Exton
Hair Salon, Makeup Artist
Lox Salon
27 s main st, Phoenixville
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Avante Salon & Spa
668 Downingtown Pike, West Chester
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Hair Studio 322
1233 Horseshoe Pike, Downingtown
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Studio Blush
520 Lincoln Street, Oxford
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Velvet Hair Studio
308 E. Gay Street, West Chester
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GLOSS Hair Salon and Style Bar
233 West Lincoln Highway, Exton
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Pride N Joy Hair Salon
101 Fellowship Rd, Chester Springs
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Cut Ups Salon and Spa- Exton
323 Gordon Dr, Exton
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Bird's Nest hair salon
204 W 1st Ave, Parkesburg
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Blown Away Blow Dry Bar and Salon
110 S Union St, Kennett Square
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Champions Barber Shop
22 W Chestnut St, West Chester
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Salon DiGian
930 E Boot Rd, Ste 250, West Chester
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Platinum Hair Salon
129 Turner Ln., West Chester
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GENTS Barber Shop
302 E Baltimore Pike, West Grove
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Avante on High Street
122 S High St, West Chester
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Cookie Cutters Haircuts for Kids - West Chester, PA
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53 N Bailey Rd, Thorndale
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